Saturday, December 11, 2010

This is work.

I guess I have been at Ernesto's for about a month now and I haven't posted a single picture.  What the heck is the matter with me?!

This is our back patio.  It's nice at night when there is a fire in the fireplace.  Smells SO good!  A couple sat next to it and talked for a very long time tonight.  I would love to sit out there with a book or knitting.

I love the cobblestones peeking through in the alley.

This is the Best Grilled Cheese In St. Louis (we have a plaque and everything)--and a terrible picture.  You just don't get the hot gooeyness of it from this so you'll have to trust me!  Every customer that I've talked to has said that it was the best they ever had.  Julianne agrees.  It has truffle oil, black truffle fontina, Prairie Breeze cheddar cheese, wild mushrooms, and a spring mix but I think it's the seasoning on the bread that really makes it yummy.

Tonight one of the servers wanted to serve Chocolate Pot de Creme with stilton and port.  Why not?

We are a wine bar and were originally a tapas bar so we have a lot of cheese and charcuterie on the menu.  I'm working on better plating for them because this is just boring.  This is salchichon, camembert, and Big Ed's with little dollops of grain mustard, dolce de membrillo, and mango chutney.

When the Christmas decorations went up they brought the pumpkins from the patio to me.  They will be finding their way into bread pudding.

  I cooked them down and froze the puree and made pepitas for the boss.  He went home for his Lowry's seasoning for them and ate this whole thing!

Beautiful Christmas decorations!

One of the owner's humor--the white wine says "AKA Cook's shift drink".

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