Thursday, July 9, 2009

School started for me this week. It's pretty cool! We haven't cooked yet. We are going through the Safeserv stuff. I guess you have to be certified in that before you get a job. That is all about food safety--pathogens, viruses, time & temperature control, etc., etc. We're also learning knife cuts. I'm getting pretty good at getting them the right size and a uniform size but the shape thing just isn't coming naturally! I make much better trapezoids than cubes! Trapezoids are so much more interesting anyway.

School always smells so good! When I had to go by for some reason before I started I could smell yummy things as soon as I pulled in the parking lot. The other classes have been making some wonderfully aromatic things! Today we went down to F3 (we are F1--I will be F3 in about eleven weeks) to watch them for about fifteen minutes. We walked around and asked questions and generally pestered them. They were very nice about it and answered every asinine question I asked. They were making several fish dishes and I LOVE fish so I asked a lot! Only a couple of things were done enough to taste and they were yummy. When they finished several plates were delivered to our class and we tasted them. YUM! I look forward to that day in class! One thing they did was with flounder and veggies cooked in parchment. I might do something similar tonight or tomorrow. My vegetables will be different from theirs because I can't grocery shop soon. It was pretty darn tasty. They made quenelles of flounder and salmon. They were HEAVEN and I can't wait to make them!

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