Friday, November 20, 2009

Yesterday we started actually cooking at school! We made vegetable stock. We practiced knife cuts, too, (and mine were very good this time!) but we're gonna be actually cooking now. and we can't cook without stock As I said before stock is the base of all soups and a lot of sauces and we go through a ton of it. Next week we'll make more kinds. Cool! I think I should share some recipes.

Vegetable Stock

1 oz. vegetable oil, mild-tasting (at home I use grapeseed oil for almost everything)
16 oz. onion, rough small dice
8 oz. carrots, rough small dice
8 oz. celery, rough small dice
4 oz. mushrooms, stems and peelings, rough small dice
4 oz. leeks, finely diced
4 oz. shallots, minced
4 oz. fennel bulbs, rough small dice
2 oz. garlic, minced
2 oz. turnip, rough small dice
1/2 oz. parsley stems
4 bay leaves
1/2 tablespoon cracked black pepper
2 teaspoons dry thyme leaves
8 oz. dry white wine
8 oz. tomato, rough chopped
water as needed (to cover)

In a suitable pot, heat the oil over low heat.

Add onion, celery, mushrooms, leeks, shallots, fennel, garlic, turnip, parsley stems, bay leaves, pepper, and thyme.

Sweat the vegetables until they are well-softened. Do not brown.

Add the wine, tomatoes, and water.

Bring to a simmer.

Carefully skim the impurities from the surface of the stock.

Simmer for 45 minutes.

Strain carefully through a china cap and then through a chinois.

Cool, wrap, label, and store properly.

When completely chilled, carefully remove congealed fat from the surface.

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