Julianne's boyfriend, Andrew, was looking at this blog one day and saw a picture of the hat I made for myself. He said he "loved my beanie"! He jumped on it when I offered to make him one. He wanted black (it really is black) with one gray stripe and he wanted it to be washable. I whipped it up from Plymouth Encore yarn this weekend as he was on his way home from college. It's nothing fancy. I don't usually use a pattern for hats. It should keep his head toasty, though.
Andrew is a good kid. He had mid-terms this past week and came home on Wednesday after his last test. Of course, he wasted no time getting to our house. When he left later he hadn't been gone 5-10 minutes tops when Julianne went to her room and squealed for me to come "FAST!" There was a HUGE bee-type creature on her nightstand (it looked like a giant mutant bumble bee but it was gray). I thought it was a mouse from across the room! I don't usually freak out about bugs and I'm not afraid of spiders. Unless I have the vacuum cleaner out anyway I just ignore them (if I know they are not venomous). I never squish them. The only thing grosser than bugs is bug guts! I did not want to clean up the mess this sucker would leave! So basically what I'm saying is that I did not help my poor, innocent, helpless child get rid of the big, scary monster by her bed. I told her that she was a strong, independant woman and could take care of her own pest control needs. She did exactly that, too. She called Andrew! He was halfway home but he turned around and came back. I think, to be honest, that it was as much out of curiosity as chivalry but that really doesn't matter. He got rid of the bug. The bug, though, has a twin! And this one has made itself at home on the Eiffel Tower lamp by MY bed! I'm S.O.L., too, because Andrew was four hours away this time and refused to turn around. Ungrateful bastard......
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