Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm such a sucker!

I have been fascinated with babies since I was one. I love babies of any species (except bugs and reptiles). I think that in Heaven there will be a special rocking chair for me and an endless supply of sleeping babies to hold. When Julianne & I go to the zoo we always look for the new babies first. We have stood & watched a baby giraffe or gorilla for such long stretches! All three of my sibs have new litters of puppies (plus Eddie's kittens) and I'm soooo jealous! My sister's chihuahuas had a litter in February and one of them was promised to Julianne when they were born and then given to her for her birthday. She is bringing him, Chico, home to us tonight. Kim & my mom, then, are going to San Diego to see JT graduate from boot camp. Somehow I volunteered to babysit the mama and newest litter of puppies. They will be two weeks old on Monday. I tried to insist that traveling was too stressful for them without talking my way out of it! I guess we'll have them for about a week. They're going to be so rotten! For that time I won't be doing anything at home that I can't do with just one hand! Dishes be damned! Kim just left North Carolina for our house but on her way out the door (after the puppies were loaded in the car) she called to ask if it was okay to bring the babies' daddy (who has been fixed now) since he's "depressed and not getting enough attention". What's one more, huh? Only I'm hearing on the grapevine that the other of Chico's littermates that hasn't been given away is also loaded up in her car! That's eight chihuahuas plus Abby! My head is already spinning! Poor Abby will never know what hit her.

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